Friday, September 16, 2011

One Down!

Well, I finally finished my first novel, Columbine. The author wrapped this novel up quite nicely. You figure, depressing book, at least a semi-depressing ending? Not so! The author clearly demonstrated how the people effected by this tragedy grew and became stronger people. Even those who were effected by the death of a loved one of the loss of mobility. After a couple years, no one was bitter. The strength that Dave Cullen demonstrated is outstanding! It was so touching. I'm sure everyone has gone through something they consider to be traumatic. But, this book really made me question how I handle things. Having a fight with a best friend...does that really compare to becoming a paraplegic? Does it? Or how about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder? I just don't think that any trivial happening could really make such an impact now. The struggle they went through really made me re-evaluate my own struggles in life.

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