Sunday, August 28, 2011


The first of my posts this week. You know, sometimes I can be a little clueless. I'm still reading Columbine and I find it enlightening and just scientific! I like the way he writes it. But, the way I read it is very unemotional. I feel disconnected to the history I am reading. Although, I cannot talk to my parents about it. My parents don't like to hear anything about it. They get angry. I'm beginning to wonder if that is just because it is more in their lifetime than mine or if I am just more unemotional about it. The Columbine school shootings happened in 1998...which was about the time my oldest sister was entering eighth grade or so. Maybe they had more parental worries and still hold  onto those fears. Maybe it really is something I should be repulsed by and I shouldn't feel the need to read more. If the latter really is the case, then why am I so interested? So enthused by a novel of this genre? I don't know. Although, from my current viewpoint, I am still enjoying this novel.

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