Sunday, August 28, 2011

Friday! (But really Sunday...)

My weekend was a little my Friday post is on Sunday. I took the Jung Typology test and found myself to be a counselor or INFJ(Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging). A counselor personality type cares about the needs of others, but would enjoy a solitary job. Any interaction one would have with a counselor would not be superficial  however, the counselor needs personal time to "recharge." Counselors are sometimes considered "behind-the-scenes" leaders as counselors can be very private people. Being highly intuitive, many of the counselor personality type can recognize others emotions before the other person even knows that the emotion exists. I feel like this is a good personality type for me because I do enjoy speaking with people and helping them. Although, I prefer to speak with people more one-on-one. I feel there is less communication and less pressure. Also, it is much easier to relate to people in such a situation. I do not feel I am superficial, and I definitely need my own time to recharge. My alone time is precious to me. Quite precious. I would consider myself a behind the scenes leader in many ways. In situations where I am the only leader, I tend to be short and precise but quieter. I let others approach me with concerns. When one of many leaders, I listen and support others leaders for the benefit of the organization. This test also touched something I have thought for many years which is a sense in intuitiveness. The test stated that counselors can recognize others emotions before the person even recognize their own feelings. I feel as if I have this intuitiveness. I think that the counselor personality type does fit me.

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