Sunday, August 28, 2011

Trying to see if I can send a post through my phone :) just imagining how much more simple that would be! Crossing my fingers :)

Hit the Road.

So, I've had a little free time today and was able to pick up a new novel. I started reading On the Road by Jack Kerouac. In the first thirty pages, he has described the riveting world of hitch-hiking. Now I'm beginning to wonder why this fad faded. Really? Kerouac makes it seem as if the most enthusiastic people saw America in the back of trucks, on the rails, and in strangers cars.  On the Road kinda makes me want to hit the road running and find a place all of my own. I know that I'm young and now, if any time, is the time to feel like now is the time to go. Ah, but socially times have changed and to make it across America, I must now ride another way. But to live in the 50's where one could defy intense conformity....I feel like my mind is     r      a     m    b   l   i  n g.... However, I must now return to my lifestyle and finish the homework I have been assigned.


The first of my posts this week. You know, sometimes I can be a little clueless. I'm still reading Columbine and I find it enlightening and just scientific! I like the way he writes it. But, the way I read it is very unemotional. I feel disconnected to the history I am reading. Although, I cannot talk to my parents about it. My parents don't like to hear anything about it. They get angry. I'm beginning to wonder if that is just because it is more in their lifetime than mine or if I am just more unemotional about it. The Columbine school shootings happened in 1998...which was about the time my oldest sister was entering eighth grade or so. Maybe they had more parental worries and still hold  onto those fears. Maybe it really is something I should be repulsed by and I shouldn't feel the need to read more. If the latter really is the case, then why am I so interested? So enthused by a novel of this genre? I don't know. Although, from my current viewpoint, I am still enjoying this novel.

Friday! (But really Sunday...)

My weekend was a little my Friday post is on Sunday. I took the Jung Typology test and found myself to be a counselor or INFJ(Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging). A counselor personality type cares about the needs of others, but would enjoy a solitary job. Any interaction one would have with a counselor would not be superficial  however, the counselor needs personal time to "recharge." Counselors are sometimes considered "behind-the-scenes" leaders as counselors can be very private people. Being highly intuitive, many of the counselor personality type can recognize others emotions before the other person even knows that the emotion exists. I feel like this is a good personality type for me because I do enjoy speaking with people and helping them. Although, I prefer to speak with people more one-on-one. I feel there is less communication and less pressure. Also, it is much easier to relate to people in such a situation. I do not feel I am superficial, and I definitely need my own time to recharge. My alone time is precious to me. Quite precious. I would consider myself a behind the scenes leader in many ways. In situations where I am the only leader, I tend to be short and precise but quieter. I let others approach me with concerns. When one of many leaders, I listen and support others leaders for the benefit of the organization. This test also touched something I have thought for many years which is a sense in intuitiveness. The test stated that counselors can recognize others emotions before the person even recognize their own feelings. I feel as if I have this intuitiveness. I think that the counselor personality type does fit me.

Friday, August 26, 2011


This week I read:

Columbine by Dave Cullen
Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut

Total Pages Read This Week: 211 pages
Total Pages Read This Semester: 211 pages

Sentences of the Week:

1. And so on to infinity.
          Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut

2. He saw beauty in the void.
          Columbine by Dave Cullen

3. I was carrying a bottle of Irish whiskey like a dinner bell.
          Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut

Kurt Vonnegut made me laugh this week. I really only read 22 pages of his book, but some of his lines were just so great!! Number 1 just made me think a little. I just like it. It's just one of those feelings. Number two is talking about Eric, one of the Columbine shooters. As Eric was growing up, he saw beauty in the destruction of everything. I think Dave Cullen described this so beautifully. Lastly, number three just made me laugh. :) It also paints quite a picture in your mind!


The week has flown by. Honestly. Between my extracirricular activities and my homework, there is nothing else left to do but sleep. Luckily, I have found a chunk of time to read my novels. I just started flipping through Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut and I find it to be very similar to Columbine. Just the way the authors have written the novel! It was so unemotional. I like the way it is written just because it is so detailed, but at the same time it feels so void of life. However, the events both authors describe are so traumatic that they do not really need any extra emphasis.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Square One

You know, my last post got me thinking. The Future. It makes me think there must be some intense music playing in the background as I say that. Bunh Bunh Bunh! Being in high school really does make you think about your future. Everyone around you is like, "PSAT this," "I got a scholarship that," and "college application this." It's terrifying! How to even begin?? Everyone always claims that starting at square one is the easiest thing! Well, let me tell you! Square one is NOT the easiest place to start if you can't find it.


I am now deeper into the novel Columbine by Dave Cullen. I can't even tell if it is fiction or non-fiction! Is that good or bad? Dave Cullen writes so's so eerie. Dave Cullen knew the material he was writing about would be haunting so he didn't find the need to embellish. I'm glad. Although, I'm halfway through this novel and still curious about the killer's intentions. What were Eric and Dylan really thinking that day when they turned guns on their friends? For Eric, it was a methodical. He had planned this killing. He was an angry teenager with an agenda. But what about Dylan, Eric's follower? Why did he go along with such a plan? How could he let this happen? How could friends and family let this happen? They saw the signs...but nothing ever happened. I'd like to think something like that could not happen now with all our precautions. But it could! Ah...The future is just something to ponder.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


As we are currently educated in a post-Columbine school system, I find it almost ridiculous about the lack of precautions I see in the novel, Columbine by Dave Cullen. In our current school, it is understood what to do during a lockdown and also the fastest ways to evacuate the building. With our current "no tolerance" policy, I just find such a massive shoot-out to be impossible. Although, the people of Jeffco did not predict this either. It makes me wonder if we are really protected from situations or if it is just a safeguard to make us feel safer.

Friday, August 19, 2011


I really think it is adorable that my parents still go out on dates. And, they go out every Friday night. They have only skipped a handful of Friday's in my lifetime. Tonight, they both got showered, dressed to kill and went out. Secretly, I'm jealous of my parents. :)


Choosing a new novel is just like choosing something to eat. Do I pick the easy Ramen Noodles? Do I create a culinary delight? Do I just grab a snack? The choices are overwhelming.