Friday, November 11, 2011


Wow. Never slow down, huh? :)

Towards the beginning of the year, I was already an independent reader - however, I didn't have much time to read. Between marching band, family, my boyfriend, and volunteering? Time was really sparse. During the summer, I love to read. Pillars of the Earth was probably one of my favorite reads, along with Atlas Shrugged...See, I like long books! Both of those were over 1000 pages and I just loved loved loved them! The last book I read on my own, (just finished it a couple days ago!!) Pathfinder, was over 600 pages long:). I liked reading a lot of fiction then...I still do in all honesty! But, I have read some REALLY good non-fiction this year. I read Columbine and now I'm reading Odd Girl Out. They are both pretty good. Before this class, I would read whenever I could find a good solid few hours...I like reading in large chunks, not in small little increments. It drives me insane...I just need to know what will happen in a know? Reading on my own? I hoped to get my dad's chair. I love my dad's chair. It's totally awesome. It is really comfy and soft and he has wooly(his wool blanket...a family necessity) and you can see the entire house from that chair, you know? It's the greatest! :) I usually read when I was bored, or when I had a really good book and I just needed to finish it! Sometimes it's just necessary to finish a book...It's that good:).